1. Ditipu :- in any way, form any one, aku paling benci ditipu..even the smallest lies make a differences.
and the best part, bile org tipu2 aku nih, sure aku dapat tau gak nanti..no use la.
2. Berahsia :- Jgn la berahsia dgn aku, tapi dok kongsi ngan orglaen..tak suke gile..adakah aku begitu tak significant nak tau benda uh?or sebab aku terlampau bodoh, tak layak nak share cite2 uh?If i am no one to u, then its okay. i dun give a damn..
3. Pembuli :- Tak suke org yang membuli org laen..esp, buli kengkawan aku..panas je hati nih..
4. Perampas :- Yang nih tak kira laki or pompuan, aku mmg tak suke..alasan "just fren" tuh sangat LAME okay?kalau betol just fren, dengan sume org wat camtuh..but, kenapa ada sorang je dapat special treatment?WTF?
Fren?Kiss my A** laa..
5. Org yang tak reti menghargai :- Org2 yang mmg tak sedar diri..rasa diri hebat sangat..dok memperlekehkan orglaen..dok dalam gua laa badak!..
Full Time mom to my beloved Syahmi Fawwaz.. Full time wife to my dearest husband.. 8.30-5.30 engineer to Clariant Oil (M)..
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Kalahkan Perasaan Cemburu
Well,..aku nih memang org yang tersangat2 cemburu..tersangat3..
huhu.. cemburu uh bersebab jugak..tahlaa..tatau nak salahkan sape..
Huh..baru2 nih jadik lagi..secara tak sengaja, terdetik nak tgk hp..n then nampaklaaa msg perempuan itu yang bercerita itu ini pasal artis korea n wut not..
n aku paling tak suke bile dia wat ayat "saya nih takde org nak".."nape lame senyap?"..n macam2 lagi yang aku da delete dalam memory aku..
huh..salu ayat uh aku gune kalau nak pancing org je..so, salah ke aku mengassume yang perempuan uh nak wat ayat pancing???..haih~salah ke?
So, biler terjadi perkara2 camtuh, seluruh kepala otak n tgn aku akan menggeletar..secara otomatiknye..takyah pakai suis pon..huhu..
So, nak atasi masalah cemburu nih, ada beberapa cara yang aku wat;-
1. Menangis, meraung kuat2
2. Drive sorang2 waktu malam, amek udara segar..*malam boleh drive laju2..hehe*
3.cube padam benda uh dari memori..
4.confront dengan org yang jadik punca uh sendiri.
5. tidor
6. marah&menjerit sorang2 sampai ilang rasa marah.
7. Luahkan perasaan atas kertas..*kadang2 sampai koyak kertas aku wat sebab geram sangat*
8.tulis surat kat dia, n then balas sendiri..
9. Sabar jelaa..
10. Kalau tak tahan, putus jelaa..dari menyeksa diri dia&diri sendiri, baek takyah ada pape..kan???
huhu..so, masalah aku malam tuh diatasi dgn no 1,2,4,6,7...
huhu.. cemburu uh bersebab jugak..tahlaa..tatau nak salahkan sape..
Huh..baru2 nih jadik lagi..secara tak sengaja, terdetik nak tgk hp..n then nampaklaaa msg perempuan itu yang bercerita itu ini pasal artis korea n wut not..
n aku paling tak suke bile dia wat ayat "saya nih takde org nak".."nape lame senyap?"..n macam2 lagi yang aku da delete dalam memory aku..
huh..salu ayat uh aku gune kalau nak pancing org je..so, salah ke aku mengassume yang perempuan uh nak wat ayat pancing???..haih~salah ke?
So, biler terjadi perkara2 camtuh, seluruh kepala otak n tgn aku akan menggeletar..secara otomatiknye..takyah pakai suis pon..huhu..
So, nak atasi masalah cemburu nih, ada beberapa cara yang aku wat;-
1. Menangis, meraung kuat2
2. Drive sorang2 waktu malam, amek udara segar..*malam boleh drive laju2..hehe*
3.cube padam benda uh dari memori..
4.confront dengan org yang jadik punca uh sendiri.
5. tidor
6. marah&menjerit sorang2 sampai ilang rasa marah.
7. Luahkan perasaan atas kertas..*kadang2 sampai koyak kertas aku wat sebab geram sangat*
8.tulis surat kat dia, n then balas sendiri..
9. Sabar jelaa..
10. Kalau tak tahan, putus jelaa..dari menyeksa diri dia&diri sendiri, baek takyah ada pape..kan???
huhu..so, masalah aku malam tuh diatasi dgn no 1,2,4,6,7...
Monday, 18 October 2010
23rd October 2010 : 1st step for a new chapter in my life
5th December 2010 : The moment I've waited for almost 7years..
N now pening mana nak carik duet nih...korek sane, takde..korek sini pon takde..=(
5th December 2010 : The moment I've waited for almost 7years..
N now pening mana nak carik duet nih...korek sane, takde..korek sini pon takde..=(
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Saturday, 4 September 2010
bila laa lagi nih
Dah lebey 7 tahun da bersama2..
dah tahun ke 8 pon..tapi masih di takuk lama..
tgk kawan2 ada anak, bukannye tak teringin..tapi...isk3 =(
Duit mmg takkan pernah cukup laa kan..isk..
Pasrah jelaa..huh
dah tahun ke 8 pon..tapi masih di takuk lama..
tgk kawan2 ada anak, bukannye tak teringin..tapi...isk3 =(
Duit mmg takkan pernah cukup laa kan..isk..
Pasrah jelaa..huh
Thursday, 26 August 2010
it hurts!
"bear in mind that ure the one for me, but u cant be everything.. everyone has their own traits.."
and u, do you now that u're the one for me and you're everything to me??i dont have any other priorities like u..
n ur words are like a knife to my heart..thanks for that cause telling me that i cant be u're everything..really thanks..many thanks to u...
now i know how do u feel bout me..
and u, do you now that u're the one for me and you're everything to me??i dont have any other priorities like u..
n ur words are like a knife to my heart..thanks for that cause telling me that i cant be u're everything..really thanks..many thanks to u...
now i know how do u feel bout me..
Dear Diary...
Maybe apa yang jadi adalah takdir..
n he never thinks i'm important for him cause obviously, he's happy without me..
kadang2 rasa penat untuk saket hati dan makan hati..bagitau laa betapa juta kali pon yang benda uh kita tak suka, tapi dia tetap akan buat..n if dia yang tak suka benda uh, it means straight NO
Try to understand me..
Is it so hard to have just me in your life? is it necessary to have others in your life??
I dun have others in my life..i dun have other guys who text me to update on everything,...sending mms..sending sms in the middle of night, during work hours..no..i dont have that...
Do you want me to have some??Do you love it if you find other guys text, with cute mms, with update the things we both like, huha sana sini...do you want me to have that?do you like it if I put picture of sexy guy on wallpaper?do you like it if I worshipped other guy??do you like it??cause I dont!..dont do this to me..i've told you millions time and i've been crying for only-God-knows-how-much litres of tears over that..
My heart is fragile..may be u didnt care...n maybe i shouldnt care either cause u didnt give a damn bout me..
maybe you love seeing me getting hurt after wut i've done to you..
it's okay..if it is a punishment for me, then FINE..i'll go away from your life..
n I'm not sure what to hold into anymore..should i put more trust in u?
i trust u..but the thoughts of third or fourth party just seem not right...
sorry for not making u happy..n sorry for not being an understanding person for u..
gez wut, maybe u dun even want me anymore..takpelaa..i'll take that as lesson..I'll cherish the memories of 7years++ together..hope u're happy with them as I can never make u as happy..
Maybe apa yang jadi adalah takdir..
n he never thinks i'm important for him cause obviously, he's happy without me..
kadang2 rasa penat untuk saket hati dan makan hati..bagitau laa betapa juta kali pon yang benda uh kita tak suka, tapi dia tetap akan buat..n if dia yang tak suka benda uh, it means straight NO
Try to understand me..
Is it so hard to have just me in your life? is it necessary to have others in your life??
I dun have others in my life..i dun have other guys who text me to update on everything,...sending mms..sending sms in the middle of night, during work hours..no..i dont have that...
Do you want me to have some??Do you love it if you find other guys text, with cute mms, with update the things we both like, huha sana sini...do you want me to have that?do you like it if I put picture of sexy guy on wallpaper?do you like it if I worshipped other guy??do you like it??cause I dont!..dont do this to me..i've told you millions time and i've been crying for only-God-knows-how-much litres of tears over that..
My heart is fragile..may be u didnt care...n maybe i shouldnt care either cause u didnt give a damn bout me..
maybe you love seeing me getting hurt after wut i've done to you..
it's okay..if it is a punishment for me, then FINE..i'll go away from your life..
n I'm not sure what to hold into anymore..should i put more trust in u?
i trust u..but the thoughts of third or fourth party just seem not right...
sorry for not making u happy..n sorry for not being an understanding person for u..
gez wut, maybe u dun even want me anymore..takpelaa..i'll take that as lesson..I'll cherish the memories of 7years++ together..hope u're happy with them as I can never make u as happy..
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Solat yang tidak diterima
Rasulullah S.A.W. telah bersabda yang bermaksud : "Sesiapa yang memelihara solat, maka solat itu sebagai cahaya baginya, petunjuk dan jalan selamat dan barang siapa yang tidak memelihara solat, maka sesungguhnya solat itu tidak menjadi cahaya, dan tidak juga menjadi petunjuk dan jalan selamat baginya." (Tabyinul Mahaarim)
Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda bahawa : "10 orang solatnya tidak diterima oleh Allah S.W.T, antaranya :
1. Orang lelaki yang solat sendirian tanpa membaca sesuatu.
2. Orang lelaki yang mengerjakan solat tetapi tidak mengeluarkan zakat.
3. Orang lelaki yang menjadi imam, padahal orang yang menjadi makmum membencinya.
4. Orang lelaki yang melarikan diri.
5. Orang lelaki yang minum arak tanpa mahu meninggalkannya (Taubat).
6. Orang perempuan yang suaminya marah kepadanya.
7. Orang perempuan yang mengerjakan solat tanpa memakai tudung.
8. Imam atau pemimpin yang sombong dan zalim menganiaya.
9. Orang-orang yang suka makan riba'.
10. Orang yang solatnya tidak dapat menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar."
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud : "Barang siapa yang solatnya itu tidak dapat menahannya dari melakukan perbuatan keji dan mungkar, maka sesungguhnya solatnya itu hanya menambahkan kemurkaan Allah S.W.T dan jauh dari Allah."
Hassan r.a berkata : "Kalau solat kamu itu tidak dapat menahan kamu dari melakukan perbuatan mungkar dan keji, maka sesungguhnya kamu dianggap orang yang tidak mengerjakan solat. Dan pada hari kiamat nanti solatmu itu akan dilemparkan semula ke arah mukamu seperti satu bungkusan kain tebal yang buruk."
Friday, 13 August 2010
Sebelum Terlewat
Selagi hari belum kiamat, belum terlewat untuk bertaubat dan berubah..
Sesungguhnya Allah maha pengampun lagi maha mengasihani..
Terima Kasih kerana diberikan nur untuk aku berubah..
Sesungguhnya, kita mmg hidup dalam kesesatan...
Salah siapa semua nih?
Kenapa kita tak belajar dari Kitab Allah dari dulu?
Buat apa semua degree, master, phD??
boleh jamin masuk syurga ke?
sesungguhnya kita semua telah disesatkan..berdoalah semoga dibersihkan hati..
Allah maha pendengar..janganlah segan nak minta petunjuk..
selamat berpuasa dan selamat beramal...
Zikir for today : 
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Friday, 23 July 2010
For the better
Kadang2 apa yang kita buat akan mendatangkan mudarat kat orglaen..
huh..sumtimes rasa tak suke kat diri sendiri..bukan sumtimes,..tapi macam selalu je..
Kenapa laa Wanie ni suka susahkan org laen??..
Hmm..n I have remove my facebook account..it makes no differences to anyone..termasuk Dia..
Saya doakan semua org akan berbahagia..
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
E-Reader and Smartpen - Cool!!

Pernah tak dengar pasal E-reader..
waaa...gadget baru nih..dalam bulan lepas aku discover benda nih,,.
n harga dia still RM1000++ dekat MPH
kalau harga dia RM100, mmg aku angkat da..boleh isi e-book byk2, which can be downloaded for free je,,
bestnye budak2 zaman sekarang nih..haih~~
How Vintage Are You?
I am walking on the clouds today.
Thanks to you dear for this awesome watch.
Been wanting this ages ago..
And thanks for forcing me to buy this bangle type watch.or else, sure nak beli yang seramic tuh..hehe..
I love you..
Monday, 19 July 2010
Happy 7th Anniversary
Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our relationship has no end...
I love u dear.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
10 07 2010
Things has become worst..
Thanks to the stupid side of me..
ok..alone to Kerteh tomorrow..
sayonara everyone..
Thanks to the stupid side of me..
ok..alone to Kerteh tomorrow..
sayonara everyone..
Have u ever hate yourself?
right now, at this moment, i feel soo much hatred inside me..
it's not hating anybody..but, i hate the dark side of me..
Friday, 9 July 2010
Fight for this love
Too much of anything can make you sick
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Knowing too much can get you hurt
Parachute :- dedicated to you =D
I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand
I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned
I won't tell anybody
Won't tell anybody
They want to push me down
They want to see you fall (Down)
I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned
I won't tell anybody
Won't tell anybody
They want to push me down
They want to see you fall (Down)
Harini dilanda kesedihan..isk..moody je..tah kenapa tah..
Nak pergi kerja pon takde mood..
Sisa2 saket kepala maseh ada..
Malam tadi makan sate kajang ngan family after amek Anan kat airport..kenyang giler..huhu..
Tapi aku rasa kualitinye da down..rasa pon tak sedap sangat..muak makan..kalau dulu, maseh sedap..dahlaa kene layan diri nak order walaupon ramai giler pelayan2 kat sana..haih..

N I got my bufday present from my mum+dad..
Thanks ibu+ayah =D
dekat pen ada ukir nama aku, ibu n ayah..

Tapi pagi nih, saket kepala maseh ada..dan perot yang lapar..huhu..
Petang nih tatau laa nak gi ke tak..masih ragu2…=(
Thursday, 8 July 2010
8JuLy2010:Officially 25yearsOld’n’still Single
Hari ni hari yang agak menensenkan aku..
Dahlaa bufday aku..pastuh, pagi2 datang plak emel2 yang tak best nak tembak2 aku..
Teros spoil mood aku..huh..
Agak membencikan jugaklaa..dari semalam tak abes2 nak gadoh..
Benda kecik je kot..takyah laa nak kecoh2 satu dunia..huh..speechless betol..
Pagi nih ingat nak masak nasi goreng..tapi malas lak..tah asal terbangun lambat..*macam tak biasa je.=P*
Huhu..tapi, arinih ada warehouse sale..nak gi cuci2 mata..kalau ada kasut best yang RM20-RM25, aku beli..if takde, takpelaa..tgk2 dan racun2 orglen beli kasut jelaa.heh..
P/S:maseh rindu..=(
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
07 07 10
Kenapa tah biler jauh jauh camni jadik rindu plak..huhu..
Bukannye tak biasa berjauhan pon..mereng betol..
Arinih makan JM Beriani..sedap gaklaa..n agak murah if compare ngan beriani insaf..
then, dinner tadi lepas anta anan gi airport,aku masak resipi ayam baru..
I called it as :-
Ayam masak cili ala2 india..
5 biji bawang merah
3 biji bawang putih
2 biji tomato
2 batang daun kari
1 batang kayu manis
2 kelopak bunga lawang
3 sudu cili api yang ditumbuk bersama bawang
sos cili
sos tiram...
So, barang2 tadi aku masak ikot suke hati aku je..sedap jugak..haha..
esok try resipi laen lak..
*tibe2 datang mode nak bukak kedai makan sendiri*
Bukannye tak biasa berjauhan pon..mereng betol..
Arinih makan JM Beriani..sedap gaklaa..n agak murah if compare ngan beriani insaf..
then, dinner tadi lepas anta anan gi airport,aku masak resipi ayam baru..
I called it as :-
Ayam masak cili ala2 india..
5 biji bawang merah
3 biji bawang putih
2 biji tomato
2 batang daun kari
1 batang kayu manis
2 kelopak bunga lawang
3 sudu cili api yang ditumbuk bersama bawang
sos cili
sos tiram...
So, barang2 tadi aku masak ikot suke hati aku je..sedap jugak..haha..
esok try resipi laen lak..
*tibe2 datang mode nak bukak kedai makan sendiri*
Dulu, waktu awal2 kerja, aku ada wish list..panjang gak..antara yang aku ingat:-
1 - MP4 dah beli
2 - GPS dah beli
3 - Kamera dah beli
4- Handphone baru anan bagi hadiah
5- PSP Outdated.Plus, my new HP da cover..
6 - Tunang & Kawen Belum lagi..sebab tak cukup duit..
Tapi sebab list uh, baru aku sedar yang aku nih tak macam perempuan laen yang gile handbag, kasut & etc..
Aku lagi prefer kejar tech..deymm..minat gadget n benda pelik..
So, for my becoming bufday, my mum tanya, nak ape2 ke, but, takde rasa nak ape2 pon..sebab sume da ada..
ada sumthing wrong ke ngan aku nih??haih..maybe amek cuti time bufday, n tido sepanjang hari..MENARIK!
6 - Tunang & Kawen Belum lagi..sebab tak cukup duit..
Tapi sebab list uh, baru aku sedar yang aku nih tak macam perempuan laen yang gile handbag, kasut & etc..
Aku lagi prefer kejar tech..deymm..minat gadget n benda pelik..
So, for my becoming bufday, my mum tanya, nak ape2 ke, but, takde rasa nak ape2 pon..sebab sume da ada..
ada sumthing wrong ke ngan aku nih??haih..maybe amek cuti time bufday, n tido sepanjang hari..MENARIK!
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Mood rasa cam tak baek je lately..
kenape tah..kerja pon berlambak sampai FB tak sempat sentuh pon..
FENIN..FENIN..naseb Transwater laen dari yang laen..if tak, terjun bangunan kot..
Ini belum masuk ERP..kalau masuk ERP nih, tataulaa..
Esok & Lusa keseorangan sebab my other half kene gi Labuan lak..
Alone on 8th July 2010??hmm..takdelaa sedih sangat kot sebab since kerja nih, mmg tak dapat bersama2 on bufday masing2 pon..hmm..tahlaa..or gloomy sebab uh??
Takpelaa..I'll spend my day with work, n work, n work..
kenape tah..kerja pon berlambak sampai FB tak sempat sentuh pon..
FENIN..FENIN..naseb Transwater laen dari yang laen..if tak, terjun bangunan kot..
Ini belum masuk ERP..kalau masuk ERP nih, tataulaa..
Esok & Lusa keseorangan sebab my other half kene gi Labuan lak..
Alone on 8th July 2010??hmm..takdelaa sedih sangat kot sebab since kerja nih, mmg tak dapat bersama2 on bufday masing2 pon..hmm..tahlaa..or gloomy sebab uh??
Takpelaa..I'll spend my day with work, n work, n work..
I'm a Cancer and U're a Virgo...
Virgo & Cancer Romantic Compatibility
When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result. This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years. Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined. They are sincere and devoted to one another and share a strong sense of purpose. No lightweight love here: These two were not really built for flings! Cancer and Virgo deeply admire one another: Virgo respects Cancer's quiet strength and dedication while Cancer appreciates Virgo's keen adaptability and intelligence.
These lovers may get off to a slow start, but over time, bonds will only grow stronger. The Cancer-Virgo love match prides itself on common sense and strong principles over fluff and inconsequential or fleeting connections. They enjoy the material comforts of life, but they will only feel good about their bounty if it has come as a result of honest hard work. There could be tiffs if Virgo becomes too critical for Cancer's easily bruised feelings; Cancer needs to understand that it's just Virgo's nature to point out what they observe, that it's not a personal attack. A Virgo may bristle at their Cancer mate's stubborn streak, but it's a trait that a patient and understanding love partner like Virgo could come to appreciate. Also, Virgo's urge to serve suits Cancer's affectionate, nurturing nature well.
The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, and Mercury (Communication) rules Virgo. Though they're very different planets, they're both near the Sun and therefore always in one another's neighborhoods. The Moon is a mothering influence; it's about cultivation and fostering growth, which are both central concerns for Cancer. Mercury is all about communication, and it's an androgynous energy -- Virgo will adapt and take on the form that it chooses, the guise that best serves a situation. Virgo takes an intellectual approach to life (especially compared to the emotional Cancer), but still manages to be perceptive and intuitive enough to figure others out if they choose. Good thing for the Crab, then, that a Virgo mate can get a feel for devotion and domestic fulfillment if that's what their Cancer lover desires. These two won't argue about fulfilling one another's needs. They'll work at it and relish the rewards of their conscientiousness.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Virgo is an Earth Sign. Earth Signs, true to their name, are down-to-earth, but they can also be materialistic and preoccupied with acquisition. The Cancer-Virgo love partners like to surround themselves with comfortable, well-crafted things. Water Signs rely on feeling and intuition, making Cancer the emotive force behind this relationship, in a subtle Cancer way, of course. Along with their desire for prosperity, their love of a fancy home life ensures that this couple will work hard toward this shared goal. Also, they're practical pair, and losing control is never really an issue.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Virgo is a Mutable Sign. While Cancer gets things going, Virgo thrives on a changing routine of responsibilities and challenges. Because they're so ubiquitous, Virgo will find a place in Cancer's plans if they really want to. Virgo will keep in mind Cancer's plans, and will eventually bring results even if Cancer has moved on.
What's the best aspect of Cancer-Virgo relationship? Their dedication to working toward the same goals. Both partners in this love match enjoy a stable home life and nice things, and Virgo truly enjoys helping Cancer along the way to achieving their goals. Their shared goals and desires make theirs a highly compatible love match.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Hot laa derang nih..
nice move..Syok je kalau body camtuh...
Kalaulaa kann..haha..
kalau tgk dgn kuantiti makanan yang aku makan, compare ngan derang, lupekan jelaa..huhu
Lagenda Budak Setan new trailer
Aku sebagai peminat sertai buku Ahadiat akashah, boleh plak tak tgk lagi cerita nih..
takpe..jumaat nih kak mirah da cakap nak tgk same..hehe..=D
Walaupon ramai yang cakap cerita nih tak best, aku tak kire jugak..
nak tgk..huhu..=D
Toy Story 3 - Theatrical Trailer
Niat di hati nak sangat tgk cite 3d..
Arituh da miss da alice in wonderland..=(
Saturday, 19 June 2010
ERP vs ME?
ERP = enterprise resource planning..
The so called new system to ease our work..
hmm..entahlaa..bertambah senang ke?
kenapa rasa cam bertambah susah je?
patut ke cari kerja laen?coz, once the system cut live, everyone will die..=(
The so called new system to ease our work..
hmm..entahlaa..bertambah senang ke?
kenapa rasa cam bertambah susah je?
patut ke cari kerja laen?coz, once the system cut live, everyone will die..=(

July Baby
Bubbling with enthusiasm. Friendly nature. Quiet and restrained. Deep thinker. Good sense of humor. Loving and caring towards near and dear ones. Sharp mind. Sensitive. Fun person. Forgiving nature. Unpredictable at times. Stylish dresser. Peace lover. Spiritual at times. Dedicated and hard working
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